Our goal is to become Sweden’s leading construction company when it comes to sustainability. We are passionate about the environment and want to help shape the future – not only through our own work, but also by showing other industries how much we can actually influence as a company and as individuals.
We began our work to achieve our sustainability goal with 20 environmental commitments in 2020 and have since added 16 more. Below you will find all the commitments we have made so far in our environmental program, which we have named Miljö/Klimat 2020;
1. Green Mortgage – all houses built by Elithus qualify for Grönt Bolån, which offers an interest rebate at the bank (2022)
2. Solar panels – all our homes are prepared for solar panel installation free of charge and we help our customers order solar panels at a discounted price (2020)
3. Recycling – more than 99% of all construction waste leaving our workplaces is recycled and accounted for, in collaboration with Sortera (2019)
4. Night lighting – Astronomical timers are installed free of charge in all our houses. These control the outdoor lighting so that it only lights up at times of day when people are active and the sun has set, the timers also adjust to the seasons. This is beneficial both for energy consumption and for the ecosystems that are disturbed by night-time lighting (2021)
5. Light sources – All light sources in our houses are equipped with the latest LED technology (2019)
6. Maintenance – As part of our Elithem concept, we maintain our customers’ homes so that they last longer, for example by taking care of balconies and facades (2019)
7. Organic cleaning agents – We only use organic and natural cleaning agents, and the hand soap in all our workplaces is always made from natural ingredients (2020)
8. Garbage bags – We only use Biobags, which are made from recycled plastic and sugar cane/bamboo (2020)
9. Batteries – Only rechargeable batteries may be used in tools, flashlights, etc. Each construction team is equipped with bettery chargers (2020)
10. Sustainability training – Our employees receive regular environmental training focusing on environmental awareness in the workplace (e.g. waste management and sustainability of materials) and at home (e.g. recycling and saving electricity) (2020)
11. Environmental work during working hours – Our employees can carry out environmental projects during working hours based on their own suggestions and thus inspire those around them to take better care of nature (2023)
12. 100% plant-based food – We only serve plant-based (vegan) food at all conferences, meetings and events. Our management team also eats a 100% plant-based diet (2019)
13. Sustainable clothing – We have gradually switched our employee clothing to organic cotton, bamboo and recycled polyester and will completely eliminate leather, down and wool from the start of 2021 (2020)
14. No disposable items – Disposable items are not permitted at any stage (2020)
15. Organic coffee breaks – The coffee and tea in the coffee breaks is always organic and fair trade. Milk and cream have been replaced by plant-based alternatives (2020)
16. Reusable bags – We only use our own carrier bags when we visit hardware stores and privately. We have developed durable bags made from jute, which is one of the most environmentally friendly materials (2021)
17. Books – We have books on sustainability, nature and the environment in four different languages in our staff library (2021)
18. Healthy and eco-friendly food – We organize cooking classes and continuously provide nutrition tips for our employees to inspire them to adopt healthy and sustainable eating habits from the plant kingdom (2020)
19. Short transportation routes – Our main supplier Beijer/Bygg-Ole is the physically closest hardware store to our projects and we always plan the transports to reduce the number of deliveries. These deliveries are 100% fossil-free (2019)
20. Company vehicles – Our company vehicles run on at least 45% fossil-free fuel (we are working to reach 100% in the near future). In addition, our management vehicle is fully electric (2016)
21. Sustainable conferences – All conferences, meetings, travel and events must be as sustainable as possible in terms of transportation and environmental impact. Carpooling or environmentally friendly transport alternatives such as rail are organised in advance. Air travel is completely excluded (2020)
22. Electricity contract – The electricity we use for building and premises comes exclusively from fossil free sources (2020)
23. Paperless accounting – We have a 100% paperless accounting system. We estimate that this saves over 2000 A4 sheets of paper per year (2020)
24. Digital contracts – We have 100% paperless contract signing, in partnership with Assently (2022)
25. Savings – We only save in funds and securities that carry a sustainability label and check ourselves which companies’ shares are included (2021)
26. Recycled paper – We only buy recycled printer paper and recycle all the paper we use (paper is only used for drawings) (2020)
27. Donations – We donate money annually to at least 14 different environmental, climate and animal welfare organisations (2020)
28. Impact and requirements – We maintain an ongoing dialogue with our suppliers in which we develop environmentally friendly processes and make requirements when such processes are missing. In addition, we put the environment and climate on the political agenda through a dialogue with local parties and parties in the Swedish parliament. In each election year from 2022, we will also create an election compass for non-Swedish speaking employees (2021)
29. Debate and opinion-forming – We participate in the social debate and write debate articles in the areas of sustainability, health and animals & nature. Take part in the articles here (2023)
30. Memberships – We are members of the Ekocide Law Alliance and Law for Nature, both of which work to give nature a legal voice. We are also an official supporting company of Naturskyddsföreningen and Djurens Rätt (2023)
31. Tree planting – We plant 1000 trees for every house we build. See our forest at Tree-Nation here (2022)
32. Petitions – We sign petitions for environmental, climate, animal rights and peace organisations. Every year our voice is included in at least 150 petitions (2021)
33. Activism – We regularly reach out to companies and organizations to discuss opportunities for improvement in the areas of environment, climate, sustainability and animal rights. For example, by calling for more plant-based products on the menu or on the shelf, by not using paper mailings or by calling for an end to fossil fuel advertising (2021)
34. Sustainable design – We have a working method where we adapt the design and construction of our houses to the nature of the plots and avoid rock blasting, which is otherwise common on sites in the Stockholm region. In addition to the environmental benefits, such as less rock transportation, less use of explosives and cost savings, this also helps to make our houses more interesting and, above all, better adapted to the terrain (2008)
35. Maintain rather than rebuild – If the conditions are right, we always advise customers with older houses to renovate and redesign them rather than demolish and rebuild (2008)
36. Protecting trees – We build boxes and protections around trees when we need to raise the ground level to avoid cutting them down and to save beautiful and old specimens (2008)
37. Innovative sustainable materials – We develop new solutions for materials in the construction industry with a combined focus on aesthetics and sustainability. In 2025, we will launch a project with a very exciting facade combination (2024)
Is that enough? – No, far from it!
We work every day to find new ways to become more responsible in our approach to nature, the environment and our surroundings.
Would you like to find out more about our environmental work? Feel free to contact us and we will share our experiences with you. Do you have ideas on how we can become even more environmentally friendly? We welcome your feedback!